Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Story Arc

The view of our street from the front yard

These last few weeks have felt like a denouement in the lives of Chelsea and me. It feels as if a few weeks ago, a climatic event occurred: Chelsea finished taking the California State Bar and my summertime responsibilities as a stay at home dad came winding to a close. We have come to the end of a chapter in our lives together as a family. We are coasting a roller coaster down this plot arc, ready for it to continue and pick up again for the next chapter of our lives.

Rising Action:

It began and changed when we came home from the Peace Corps after traveling all around Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina as noted in our blog. Chelsea started Law School; I started classroom teaching as a full-time teacher. We met new, interesting people, built community and began the first chapter of our story in Sacramento.

Years past, jobs changed, experiences happened, and family bloomed. All leading to that climatic moment, that turning point. Each year, each month, each week has a story of its own etched upon our minds and memories.

Climax/Turning Point:

I’d been teaching for three years. I’d been at two different schools and something was changing. Our daughter was born in December 2014 and I decided to switch jobs for the following year. I began looking for work, applying inside and outside my comfort zone. I felt something had to change. Did I want to continue teaching? Did I want to switch careers all together? Did I want to stay in the charter system? Did I want to try and work for a unified school district?  Did I want to move into administration? I applied to several different positions and around mid-June I had an offer letter. I was at a crossroads. I could stay at my same position or I could venture out into a unified school district and teach ELD at a district high school.

I chose to start at the unified school district. I accepted the job to teach two periods of ELD (English Language Development) and one period of 9th grade English at a high school. I spent the summer filling out paperwork and getting things in line for the upcoming year. All the while being a stay at home dad and spending almost every waking moment with Tori (a whole other blog in itself!) while Chelsea participated in her own climatic event.

  Chelsea graduated Law School on May 15, 2014. It was a wonderful ceremony. Then she began the almost full time job of studying for the California State Bar Exam. We created a system. Chelsea would leave about 9am, studying for about 4 hours while I stayed with the baby. She’d come home for lunch we’d enjoy each other’s company and spend time as a family. By 2pm she’d make her way back to the library to hit the books until 6 or 7. She studied hard, watching lecture videos, going over notes, taking simulated exams and answering exam style questions. As the weeks passed, she was dreading and exalting the oncoming exam.

Moreover, all the while she was studying, she was also applying for jobs and going to job interviews so she could work soon after the Bar ended.

We spent a few weekends away. We attended a wonderful wedding; we had a few river days, and went to a few Republic soccer games (our local minor league team). 

The Bar came, and Chelsea spent the three days staying over at her moms in order to get a full night’s sleep while I stayed with the baby. We’d eat breakfast and lunch together every day of the Bar exam and count down the days until the Bar ended.

Our Turning Point had come.

Denouement, Transitions, and New Beginnings.
Since the Bar a few weeks ago we’d been closing up loose ends: finishing the last vestiges of paperwork, finishing interviews, reviewing offer letters, and trying to find a daycare for Tori so we’d have a place for her when Chelsea went back to work. 

This is a very transitional time for us. I started new teacher training for my district last week, and I am attending a unit-making workshop this coming week. My official first day of work is August 17th. We have a back school rally, meetings, professional developments and time to ourselves as we anticipate the students’ return on August 20th.  

Chelsea has a little bit more time before she starts work on the 24th and that’s when we start Tori at daycare. We are looking forward to a lot this coming year and can’t wait to see what the future brings.

All we know for sure is that this is the beginning of the next chapter.

Since the Bar a few weeks ago we’d been closing up loose ends: finishing the last vestiges of paperwork, finishing interviews, reviewing offer letters, and trying to find a daycare for Tori so we’d have a place for her when Chelsea went back to work. 

This is a very transitional time for us. I started new teacher training for my district last week, and I am attending a unit-making workshop this coming week. My official first day of work is August 17th. We have a back school rally, meetings, professional developments and time to ourselves as we anticipate the students’ return on August 20th.  

Chelsea has a little bit more time before she starts work on the 24th and that’s when we start Tori at daycare. We are looking forward to a lot this coming year and can’t wait to see what the future brings.

All we know for sure is that this is the beginning of the next chapter.
She finished! 
Celebrations after the graduation. 
Tori swinging on her favorite swing! She's almost 8 months! 

At the wedding of our dear, dear friends David and Al!

Daddy Power! Thanks Chelsea for this wonderful Father's Day gift

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