Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sacramento Bound

Two weeks ago I took a short (but super fun and busy) trip up to Nor Cal to decide on which law school I will be attending this fall. As many of you know I was torn between a school in San Francisco and one in Sacramento and, for many reasons I decided that the Sacramento school was the best fit for me. I easily saw that the school was smaller, more personal and offered many more focused programs in my area of interest. Then once Tim and I weighed out the financial benefits of both the scholarship I was offered and the lower cost of living in the central valley it seemed obvious that Sacramento was the right choice for us. We are excited to have decided upon a location and so eager to find a place to live next month and settle into a home of our own and a routine. The hardest part about making the decision to move to Sacramento was giving up the idea of living in the Bay Area near family and many amazing friends. We would have loved being near our peeps in the Bay but we know that we made a decision that will allow us to be less preoccupied with money worries and distractions while I am in school. Also, SF is only 1.5 hour drive away so you can bet that we will be around visiting often and law school only lasts three years so it is not like we are committing to Sac forever.

After I made the tough decision about which school was right for me, I got to pass the buck of responsibility on to Tim. The minute we knew where we were headed he started applying for high school teaching jobs. He has two credentials so he can teach English and History and also has prior experience teaching Government, Economics and Drama so he has lots of options. There are many jobs listed in Sacramento county and I am confident that he will find something soon. I may be biased, but I think he is quite a catch. However, the job application process is stressful for us both and I am praying for the day that he will get that happy phone call with a job offer.

In the meantime, we are still in Oxnard at the Tibbs house, where we had decided to stay for a month to help my father in-law clean out the garage and do some spring/summer cleaning and organizing and reconnect with the Tibbs clan. Now that month is winding to a close and we are looking ahead to the next move. Our plan is to head up to Oregon to see my Dad next week then travel with my cousins and auntie to our family reunion in Ashland at the end of the month. After the family gathering, Tim and my time of reconnecting and casually socializing will be officially over! We will have to immediately find a place to live in Sacramento and buy a car before heading back down to Oxnard for a wedding and to get our stuff out of storage and then hustle back up north to get settled into our new place before school starts for me on August 7th! Yikes!

Like everything else we have been up to these last few months, July will be a crazy whirlwind of change and adjustments. Even as I type this, I have to remind myself to take deep breaths because everything will work out fine. The light at the end of this mad tunnel is that very soon we can start putting down roots again and the feeling of constant exhaustion and stress of being displaced, disoriented, homeless and routineless with dissipate. I look forward to that day very, very much!

In SF during my trip up north

Mom and Oma in downtown SF where I toured school then we went to the Asian Art Museum and had lunch

Back in Santa Cruz, Mom and I made art plates out of plain old glass plates from the thrift store

More spray painted glass art plates we made. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, some very exciting things are going on in your life right now! Enjoy this moment! I am so happy for you and Tim...I know you'll both get everything you've been dreaming of and praying for. Love ya!!
