Sunday, May 27, 2012



Running in the hazy morning light, smelling the sweet scents of strawberries and a sea breeze tinged with tangy salt, I knew I was home. I have been away from Oxnard for about twelve years, first in San Diego and then in Guyana. I have visited now and again, but I haven’t set down for a long length of time. However, no matter where I’ve lived the small smells of Jack in the Box to jasmine flowers remind me of my childhood.


Oxnard is neither the richest nor the hippest city in our county, but it does have soul. It has been around for over a hundred years. The Oxnard brothers owned a sugar beet factory near the old part of the city and a community sprung up around it. Moreover, Oxnard has some of the best top-soil in the world for agriculture (no matter how much the developers try to build upon it! Though I think it has gone down in recent years) and still produces vast amounts of strawberries and other crops.  And then there are the miles and miles of beautiful sandy beaches that could easily be the best between LA and Santa Barbara. It has such a mix of social classes and ethnicities; industries and leisure. It’s a pretty remarkable place. Thus, sitting outside of Mrs. Olson’s Coffee Hut (one of the best places to eat breakfast in Oxnard), watching the Pacific waves break against the shore I can feel the pulsing soul of Oxnard reverberate with every crash. Maybe I am being melodramatic but how does one put the feeling of “home” into words? Perhaps the “soul” I feel that Oxnard has is simply the feeling of home? Maybe those who feel a strong attachment to any one place or another always feel their home has a soul? Though I know this won’t be my permanent place of residence, it will always be home.  

Friends and Surf's Brews!
These last few days have been a mix of emotions. Sometimes I feel so excited and happy, but then in another moment I’m overwhelmed and I just want to hide away. There has been some really good times hanging out with my brother and reconnecting with old friends, and there have been frustrating times as we readjust to the “American way.” It’s a rollercoaster just as Guyana was and as we proceed through it and adjust we hope it will become easier. Tomorrow is our first Memorial Day since we left for the Peace Corps and we’re looking forward for some good grilling and good company.

Reconnecting, even in Venice!

Venice Beach, but Oxnard can match it no problem!

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