Well well well. A lot has been happening in the last 2 weeks! In a nutshell:
We left Oxnard to visit my Dad is Portland, Tim applied for about 16 jobs and got advanced to stage 2 of the interview process at one. Tim worked feverishly to get an interview at said job and I watched the Euro Cup matches with my dad. Tim got called for an interview with the afore mentioned high school but they needed him to come down to Sacramento in a matter of days. To make it happen we rented a car, I drove the 9 hours to Sac while Tim did lesson prep in the passenger seat, we paid for a night in a hotel in Sac, he interviewed the next day while I looked at two houses for rent in the neighborhood and then, immediately after the interview, we drove another 6 hours back up to Ashland for the family reunion that had been planned a year ago. About 30 minutes outside Ashland on the way to the family reunion, Tim got a call that he GOT THE JOB!!!!! We were ecstatic! We reunioned with the family, saw some great plays, ate some good food and had a hootenanny in general, especially since we were seeing our future shaping up and didn't have to worry about much except how to kick the cousins' butts at lawn games. Then we drove down to Northern California where we are presently staying with my Oma while we try to find a place to live in Sacramento (a 1.5 hour drive away). On Monday we spent all day at car dealerships and bought ourselves our very first brand new car (a zippy, but cheap and small, silver Mazda2)! Once we had wheels all we needed was a place to live in Sac and the big ticket items (school, job, phone, car, place to live!) would be taken care of! So yesterday we headed into Sac with my mom and brother to get to know the area bit and house hunt. The second house we had an appointment to see was almost perfect so we put in an application and will hear back on that tomorrow. So, all in all we are feeling really good about how things are turning out!
Today we are spending July 4th taking a mini-break from all this nonsense. We are sleeping in, enjoying the spa at Oma's, and picnicking with Oma and Sampa in the park this afternoon. We don't have to think about cars or jobs or school or work or even furnishing our new house (YET!) because it is July 4th and nothing is open and everyone, including us, should be enjoying this time to rest and enjoy the summer. Tomorrow is another story as it will most likely include another road trip to Sac (yes, we are spending a ridiculous amount of time in cars these days!) to hopefully sign the lease on a new place, get Tim fingerprinted for school and fill out his paperwork and to start measuring out the dimensions of this cutie little house so we can furnish it and get comfortable before Tim starts work on July 16th! But those are all concerns for tomorrow, today we rest and eat watermelon!
Tim and our mini-est cousin picnicking |
Oma, Mom, Me and Eevee walking from the park |
My beautiful Oma and cousin Haley |
Family reunions, especially with matching tee shirts and talent shows, are hilarious! |
Congratulations to both of you!!! Tim for the job and Chelsea for getting into multiple schools and landing an awesome one! I'm so excited for you guys. It's good to hear that things are working out.