Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Umbrella Project

Okay. So it's not really a project, but it's something I've been thinking about. As I hike to-and-from work, and to-and-from teaching my mind wanders. Sometimes I think about what I have to do that day, other times it's the particulars of this or that lesson, however, recently, it's been too hot to even think! All I want to do is find the next piece of shade and take a minute to cool down.

When Guy 22 first got here, a past volunteer gave us a tip and told us to “walk” with our umbrellas everywhere. Is this because rain storms can happen with little or no warning? Sure. But there is a second intention for umbrellas: a means for shade! Walking down the hot asphalt, the blaring sun showing all of its equatorial fury, can be a chore, especially if there is no shade in sight. So as a resourceful PCV, or a practical Guyanese, we create our own, with umbrellas.

At first I rejected this notion of umbrella shade. One does not see many male Guyanese walking with one, and my work was only a 5 minute walk away, so I didn't even think twice about having one. Then, I got my bike, so now work was only 2.5 minutes a way! And can you imagine riding a bike with an umbrella? Kinda weird, right? In a circus performer sorta way? But these last few weeks have changed my stance significantly.

I started doing Professional Development workshops at four different schools, but I didn't have money (or desire) to pay for transportation and my bike was more than sufficient. Somedays I got soaked (rainy season is May-July), but then I went home and went on with my life. August came along, dry season, and the pedal on my bike broke off. I tried to fix it, but I need to get a special size and I've just been I began walking. It was pretty easy to stroll to all the schools, but the sun punished me. That umbrella would've been real nice some of those days.

This last week I've been teaching at the teaching college...still walking...but with an umbrella this time. It's been great! But, these last few days the heat has been incredibly uncomfortable. Granted the sun is no longer beating down upon my fair, fair skin, but the heat rises from the dark, absorbent pavement and the reflective white sand. Perhaps I can turn this into a umbrella that both protects from the top and the if I could only create breeze with my mind....

Anyway, we had a wonderful Friday night. A local business man, Mr. Dunstan Barrow, hosts a dinner every August for the top Grade 6 achievers in the Region. This was our second time attending and it was strange to think we did the same thing last year. Chels has been talking a lot about how time has been passing pretty quickly, but last night it really struck me: we did this last year and won't be here next year for the next one. It was an exciting, but also sad thought.

As the dinner was ending and the students, parents, and teachers were filing out. Chels and I stuck around with some of my department officers and Mr. Barrow's friends. We had a great time, drank some Chilean red wine (called “Sweet Bitch”), danced the night away, listened to some stories and jokes, and went home with smiles and a tinge of sadness. All-in-all it was one of those glad-to-be-in-Guyana moments. Much Love.  

PS. I was trying to post pictures, but its not working correctly. 

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