Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Off the Grid

Today we are wrapping up our Peace Corps paperwork, spending time Skyping with friends and gaffin’ with fellow PCVs in the Peace Corps Office. Tomorrow we will no longer be PCVs! We will officially be RPCVs (Return Peace Corps Volunteers)! It is crazy!

Tomorrow morning, early, we are flying out of Guyana, through Trinidad and Panama to Peru! We have so many exciting adventures planned and we will be essentially off the grid until May 20th. We are backpacking through Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina so I have no idea how often will have access to the internet. We have promised our families that we will be in touch at least once a week and if we can, we will try to blog a bit about what we are up to. We will do our best to keep in touch but don’t be concerned if we aren’t the most consistent bloggers for a while. I promise updates when we are settled back in America.

Until then, we hope you all stay well. We will continue to ride the wave of emotional turmoil that is the adjustment cycle of a Peace Corps Volunteer and process our adventures, both during and after our service, as we travel. We will be watching each other’s backs and taking good care of ourselves and employing all the best practices that we know to use when traveling abroad. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Guyana, one last time!

-Tim and Chelsea

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